Dear Friends,
You've been praying for our process of getting resettled, for the arrival of our container, that we would find a place
to live. We thank God that things seem to be coming together. Our container arrived Friday. The container
door popped open (those who helped pack it will understand) and there was the mini-van. Driving it out of the container
was a bit shaky, there was no platform, just ramps. One side mirror was broken, but worse for the removal was the flat tire.
We had to unload the van and then some of the moving guys had to lift the back of the van to get it over the blocks that were
holding the tires. Anyway, all of our stuff is in a warehouse and waiting to be moved into our house.
Speaking of the house, we hope to sign on it tomorrow. It will probably take a couple of days to get things ready,
so we hope to move in on Wednesday. You pray well!
There is a complication with driving the car right away, because it's not registered in Spain, and until it is I can't
insure it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. But as you pray about all of this, we trust that God will
work out the details.
On Friday, I had the opportunity to meet with an acquaintance from Venezuela, Eriberto Gonzales. He was director
of a Bible school, a member of the board of a church association in Venezuela and a pastor. Eriberto called the TEAM
Spain Field Chairman, Don Cabeen, who asked me to meet together with them. Eriberto is now a missionary here
in Spain and just arrived with his family four months ago. His family is going through some of the same culture shock as
our family, so we could commiserate. The difference is that the Gonzales' have almost no support structure and a much
lower income than us. I still don't know why he didn't call TEAM before leaving Venezuela to line up some contacts before
coming. But he's here now, trying to start in ministry in a place that is very different from Venezuela. Please
pray for Eriberto, his wife and their two young children.
Our teammate, Joanie Steffens, leaves for the states Thursday to visit her daughter and have a check up related to the
cancer that has been in remission. But she continues to be somewhat run down. Please pray for her, and for wisdom
and direction for the doctors that will examine her. Pray for Ned and the boys, Michael and Timothy, who are staying
Remember our adjustment, especially for our oldest, Greg, who is still struggling.
Thanks for praying!!