Dear Friends,
Actually, our focus itself isnīt new, but the Spain Focus Group is. We celebrated the first informal meeting
of the Spain Focus Group in our apartment this afternoon. It was a small group that gave us the chance to discuss how
the group might function. The Focus Group will do more than support and pray for us and the Pinedas, the other missionary
family that Elmbrook Church supports in Spain. The members will develop and nurture relationships with missionaries
and Spaniards. The members will commit themselves to learning everything they can about Spain, including
visits to Spain, whether as part of a short term missions team or on a trip with their family. They'll be servants
and facilitators to the work in Spain. This new structure for missions at our home church is exciting to us and to the
people that met together today. We have a more formal meeting scheduled for June 1 when we'll talk more specifically
about circumstances in Spain. Let us know if you want to be a part of it!
On Saturday Kay and I had a reunion of the Caracas Project, the missionaries that served with us in Caracas
and put years into helping to start a church. It was great to see old friends and share stories, and celebrate the victory
of the church that was finally established after so many years of hard work.
Today I had the privilege of helping the worship team at Centrobrook. I really don't play guitar very well but
it was fun to be a part of it and a blessing to sense His presence as we worshipped. Thanks, Lord!
And thank you all for praying for us. Keep praying for the boys as they think about leaving the friends
they've worked hard to develop this year. It's not an easy time for them.