Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for praying about our ministry decision in Spain. Actually from the start we´ve been led toward
the option to the north of Madrid, which we´ve started calling the Camarma Project, and that decision has been confirmed in
the last couple of weeks. So after months of prayer and investigation we finally know where we will be going.
Our team will include Ned and Joanie Steffens who we first met in orientation when we were preparing to go to Caracas
as new missionaries 18 years ago. They have been in Spain ever since and will give us much needed perspective on Spain.
Their gifts seem to be a good match with ours, so the opportunity to serve with them was obviously one thing leading us to
While in Spain we had the opportunity to meet with the church planters around Madrid. We asked them where
they sensed that God was working, or preparing ground, in Spain and they immediately responded that God has been
doing great things in Camarma. He allowed the school our boys will be attending to acquire land while it
was still inexpensive. The school has a great relationship with town officials, from the mayor on down. Unfortunately
because the school building is new and so much work still needs to be done, no one has been able to work on a church plant
or even follow up the great contacts. So we sense that this is not only a great situation for our family, but that this
is a great open door to establish a church.
Now the real work starts. Our first concern is just to get our family ready for a move to another country.
That includes preparing the boys emotionally, getting all of the documentation in order and packing (yuk!). We've
been asked by Elmbrook Church to start a Focus Group for Spain, people that are willing to learn about ministry in Spain,
pray for us and be our advocates at Elmbrook (if you're interested, let us know, we'll have our first meeting in three weeks
or so). We'll need to raise a significant amount of monthly support, and funds for setting up house and buying a car.
And that's all before we get to Spain!
The Lord has led us this far, and we're confident He'll get us to Madrid by mid-July. Thanks again for your prayers,
and we covet them now more than ever.
You Friends,
Mark and Kay