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October 2010

The rain in Spain is definitely back.  That means fall is here and the temperatures are dropping.  It was the exact opposite in Chile, though the temperatures are about the same, it is spring.  But cool weather didn't dampen the enthusiasm in the masters level class Mark was teaching.  The class was not as multi-cultural as the one in Paraguay the previous week, but the students were from a wide variety of ministries: pastor, counselor, youth leader, Wycliffe missionary, school director and church leaders.  The classes went well enough that Tom Keppeler and I were invited by the Worldview Resource Group (Recursos Estratégicos Globales - REG) to teach a masters level course in Argentina next year.   

Even as we encouraged these Latin churches to get involved with the Lausanne Conference coming up in Cape Town, South Africa, I received an email describing the ways in which our church near Madrid is going to be involved.  These are exciting days for world missions, and for us!  

Our church is hosting a global link of the Lausanne Conference on world evangelism in Cape Town, South Africa, on October 22 and 23.  One of our key leaders will be in Cape Town and another is out of the country, so I will be helping Javier Alvarez in our church to facilitate it.  Tom Keppeler is hosting a much bigger link at Elmbrook Church lasting a week.   

Kay is coordinating a Fall Festival October 23 (same day as the Lausanne Link!), along with Ian and the senior class.  It is a find raiser, but we also want it to be an evangelistic outreach for our neighbors and for people in Camarma.

Thanks for your prayers!

Ministry in Spain

By God´s grace, to contribute to the expansion of God's Kingdom by establishing Christ's church in Spain.



